Foto de Natalia (NarasArt) Ramirez Estados Unidos

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Hi, this is Natalia Ramirez, who uses the artistic name of Nara. I am a Cuban artist, graduate of Arts and Letters from the Havana University since several years ago. I have been working, over 15 years, as an expressionism Abstract painter. I am currently living in Las Vegas, NV.

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¡Mira todo lo que te ofrecemos!
24.02 x 35.98 in
27.01 x 35.00 in
29.02 x 40.00 in
9.02 x 7.01 in
24.02 x 35.00 in
10.98 x 14.02 in
10.98 x 14.02 in
10.98 x 14.02 in
11.02 x 14.17 in
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I am 100% committed to my work and to you!
Committed to keep up quality. I am a professional artist.
Nara was born in Cuba. She immigrated to US, and she is now a U.S. resident. Nara has attended some of the finest art schools, but has been mostly self-taught. Her work has been selected many times to be exhibited in fine art galleries and museums.
She has painted with all mediums, but her love is with \"oils.? Nara love of people led to her work. She prefers to do works in an expressionism, figurative and abstract style, especially work she calls \"art with texture\"
She loves color so it is always emphasized in her paintings. Naras works have been published in five different countries. US, Cuba, Italia, France, Holland, Germany, Sweden, Australia, Spain, Canada and the United States.

My work is all about freedom, nature elements, my moods, American people, and live. I am most influenced by some abstracts painters. I work with texture, contrast, and shine..

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